Password required to use Modem Monitor Applet

afmdg afmdg at
Mon Apr 11 05:41:20 UTC 2005

Luke Seubert a écrit :

>Good day,
>A Linux newbie friend of mine has just installed Ubuntu 5.04 Hoary
>Hedgehog. He has successfully configured pppd (using pppconfig) to
>dialup Earthlink, browse the web, and send and receive email.
>However, the Gnome Modem Monitor Applet does not function correctly. 
>The <Activate> choice in the pulldown menu is grayed out. He must first
>enter <Properties> in the pulldown menu, which requires his password.
>Then, he does nothing except click on <OK>, upon which, Modem Monitor
>Applet fires up the modem and connects. 
>He also has problems disconnecting, and so far shuts off the entire
>computer to disconnect, or upon my advice, uses 'sudo poff'.
>Obviously, having to use a password to access the modem and turn it on
>and off is very annoying.
>His user privileges are set to allow access to the modem devices, and to
>connect to the Internet through modem devices.
>Still, this seems like some sort of permission problem, maybe somewhere
>with pon and poff, though I am not sure about that. Does Modem Monitor
>Applet use pon and poff? What other config/permission files might be
>tweaked to fix this, and what would their location be? 
>It has been many years since I used a modem with Linux, so I am pretty
>hazy on such things these days.
>Somebody else has filed a similar problem as a bug:
>Many thanks for any help.
>Luke Seubert
The modem applet uses network-admin program. Then, you need
administrator privileges.
I don't use it for that.
He can try gnome-ppp, frontend of wvdial, who is in universe.
You dont' need password. You have no problem with on, off modem.


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