New User

russell cook ruscook_oz at
Sun Apr 10 13:46:38 UTC 2005

Well, I just rebuilt Dad's AMD Duron today with Hoary. The normal
install hung @ 65% so I did an expert install and all went well. I don't
have sound yet, but I installed on my KVM at home on my 19" monitor.
Took it to his place tonight and the monitor, and wireless just worked.
Again, wireless wouldn't work with DHCP but works well with static. 

He's just turned 77 and been using computers for only 3-4 years so I'm
impressed with his competence and flexibility in agreeing to try a new
setup. I ran him through thunderbird, (which I used in Windows first to
convert his mail from outlook), firefox (which he had been using the
windows version of) and open office. OO 1.9 beta had a problem with
closing once you'd opened a file (it seems to hang on pressing quit or
the close box)/ So, I went back to 1.1.3 which did exactly what he
wants. Allows him to print receipts for his club and the accompanying
mailing labels.

I'll post more as he adjusts or not. Either way, overall Hoary is good
and solid and now good enough to give to complete neophytes. Another
reason to thank the developers - thanks team!

Kind Regards Russell
Linux user #369094
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