Suse 9.3 and Ubuntu ??

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Sun Apr 10 02:54:12 UTC 2005

I just came accross a review of Suse 9.3.

Apparently it's due this month like Hoary, and comes with the very
latest OOo2, gnome and KDE, like Ubuntu. Also, the screenshot of Gnome
looks very clean, like Ubuntu. 

Now I am not a Suse expert, but I looked at it since  9.0, and it seemd
to me that they always were lacking behing, like Mandrake (one release
behind Ubuntu for Gnome ie), and that they were KDE centric and gnome
looked ugly in both of them.

Now when I read this Suse 9.3 review, I am shocked, it looks to me as if
Novell realised how successful Ubuntu is, and decided do exactly the
same thing (last Gnome/KDE and polished Gnome). 

Now with Novell having obviously fortunes to spend to develop it,
compared to a handful of hard working Ubuntu guys, could it be that Suse
would improve faster than Ubuntu, and that we will soon lagging behind
next year ?
"I" feel ripped off again. M$ stole our logo, and now Suse decide to
copy Ubuntu ! Not fair.

Thank GOd, I think Ubuntu still has the lead, since it's free unlike
Suse and Mandrake who both charge around 100USD/Euros or so. And both
(?) use RPMs (Suse doesn't use DEB's does it ?), and after using
Mandrake, I soooo much prefer the joys of Deb packages ans

In any case, seeing as everyone copiues Ubuntu in some way, it only goes
to show that we are the reference, the way forward !! :o)))


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