Upgraded to Hoary, latest kernel won't boot

Eamonn Sullivan eamonn.sullivan at gmail.com
Sat Apr 9 17:50:19 UTC 2005

On Apr 9, 2005 6:21 PM, azz <ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org> wrote:
> Have you removed ubuntu-desktop? Is that why you get no
> update-notifier?

I second taking another look at this. When I first upgraded to Hoary,
albeit some weeks ago, I had a half-finished install in my first
attempt and it only booted with the old Warty kernel. Make sure you
have ubuntu-desktop and pay attention to anything that's being held
back. There were some odd packages that stopped me -- not backports,
even. One was wxWindows from universe, for example. I had to apt-get
remove it before the upgrade would finish. Look in Synaptic and be
sure you have all the ubuntu-* packages.


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