Distrowatch.org is down ???

Philippe Landau lists at mailry.net
Sat Apr 9 03:58:57 UTC 2005

Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
>>probably your name severs.
> My what ?
domain name servers (DNS) you computer uses to
look up domain names like distrowatch.com
and showing your browser the way to the site by IP numbers.
those servers might have problems (you can specify/use others),
or you can not reach them due to network problems
or your BT solidarity goes a bit too far,
choking your connection to the internet.
unfortunately ubuntu does not prioritise traffic from
and to applications/processes that are in the front,
often making it impossible to surf the web
and get email while downloads are going strong.

>>it is quite fast here
> Ah, I will just try later then... the joys of internet... :-/
as Bob Nielsen wrote:
should land you there too, as directly as possible.

kind regards     philippe

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