pimp my download

Darryl Clarke smartssa at gmail.com
Sat Apr 9 03:37:53 UTC 2005

On Apr 8, 2005 8:59 PM, Kurt A. Bartnik <kbartnik at gmail.com> wrote:

> Do any of you know of any good resources (articles, websites, etc.) that
> I can use to back up a request to the powers that be that BT is really a
> good thing and that they should throttle up BT traffic?

This thread? Of course, if they don't understand what it is we're
doing, a fight is mostly futile with ignorant admins. Unfortunately,
bittorrent is inherently "illegal" in the minds of many. ;)

Since everybody is posting stats, My torrent is about to finish at a
blazing 300KB/s (Thanks everybody!), which rocks! and I'm going to
leave it running for a few days -- allocating 100KB/s upstream.

~ Darryl  ~ smartssa at gmail.com
http://smartssa.com / http://darrylclarke.com
International Clean Your Windows Day - April 22, 2005

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