Problem with Monitor

Keith Powell keith at
Fri Apr 8 10:41:26 UTC 2005

mailing.list at wrote:

>I sucessfully installed Ubuntu 5.04. I am a beginner but in the past
>few days, I tried out RH9, SUSE and LIBRANET but so far I found UBUNTU
>quite nice.
>The only problem that I can't resolve is the monitor screen. It shifts
>a little bit to the right and when I adjust and go back to WIndowsXP
>it shift to the left.
>I didn't face this problem with SUSE and LIBRANET. How do I resolve it?

I have an NVIDIA graphics card and have this problem. I have found that 
replacing the generic NV video driver with the NVIDIA one cures it.

Just installed Hoary and the screen is shifted to the right. Must 
install the proper driver next job!

Hope this helps.


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