[Hoary] How to assign a volume label to removeable devices ?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Thu Apr 7 20:00:57 UTC 2005

> I think this is a good Idea too.  Perhaps I should add it to bugzilla
> as a feature request.  

Yep :-)

> But there are a lot of issues.  I think 

> 1. It should reguire sudo/root privliges to do this, even in a gui, 

I did think of that too. I think that root privileges should only be
required for the local fixed disks. However, for all the removeable
media, considering that the media is actually owned by the user (it my
floppy, my USB key, my camera's memory card etc), then the user should
be allowed to label these partitions/media.

> and 2.  does this go as an Ubuntu request or a Nautilus request, where the
> later opens up more cans of worms.  I don't know that there is an easy
> way to go about this.

Since we use Ubuntu, all bugs should be filed in Ubuntu. Then the
developpers take the decision to either implement it themselves (and
make the work available to Gnome/Nautilus devs), or not do it, or report
the bug upstream etc. 


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