CTRL key on IBM Thinkpad not working

Paul Sladen sounder at paul.sladen.org
Thu Apr 7 11:52:07 UTC 2005

On Thu, 7 Apr 2005, Matthias Fechner wrote:

Hello Matthias,

> i have here a IBM Thinkpad 600 running with Ubuntu Hoary and the ctrl
> key is not working.

It sounds like something not related to Ubuntu or Linux---a hardware issue.
Try removing the key carefully (it'll probably have a metal bar under it if
it's a long key) and checking that the rubber widget is making contact.

> It seems, that something is crashing if i put the laptop with apm into
> sleep mode.

Again, I don't think this is likely to be related to the non-functioning
control key.  Hoary out-of-the-box should work with ACPI rather than APM.

I didn't know it snowed here!  Groningen, NL

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