Rhythmbox starting MP3 files late

Luigi Montanez luigi.montanez at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 00:41:36 UTC 2005

Hi all,

When a new MP3 is played in Rhythmbox 0.8.8 (Hoary), sometimes the
song begins 1 or 2 seconds into the song. This seems to be a totally
random thing (sometimes it happens, sometimes it does not), and I did
not have this problem with the older version of Rhythmbox that came
with Warty. The problem occurs whether I select a song by
double-clicking or by letting Rhythmbox play the next song in the list
after the previous has ended.

I'm running a Hercules Game Theater XP card, which uses the cs46xx
driver. Also, when I have Rhythmbox open but no music playing, I get a
garbled sound whenever a system sound happens (or Gaim plays a
"message received" sound). I don't believe this was present in Warty

I'll file a report on Bugzilla if no one seems to give an easy fix.


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