XFCE Question

azz ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Thu Apr 7 00:03:12 UTC 2005

The file manager is rox-filer.

If you start rox at the command line with the -p swith, you enable the
pinboard (desktop)

rox-filer -p=1

(You can have many different pinboards.)  You can put a background
image on it and all sort of stuff.  It is not a real directory, though,
just symlinks.  Do not save anything there.  You can also enable
right-clicks to go to the wm, as opposed to rox.  Look in the
properties menu.

Is there a place to put startup commands in XFCE?

I tried XFCE a while back, but I don't dislike this version of it so


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