Popularity Contest

Matt Zimmerman mdz at ubuntu.com
Sun Apr 3 19:07:24 UTC 2005

On Sun, Apr 03, 2005 at 07:20:58PM +0200, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

> Maybe it should just be turned on by default.

As you can see from the beginnig of this thread, some people are offended by
the idea of a feature like this being enabled by default.  In this case it
wasn't true, but there are legitimate privacy concerns with doing so.

> After all, in Hoary there is the update notifier which obviously knows
> about all the packages in the system and talks to the Ubuntu server all
> day long, yet it's enabled by default and nobody minds it seems. So why
> not just extend the update-notifier roles a bit to let it send packages
> stats once in a while ? We could always put an option in the preferences
> of the applet, to turn it off/on at will.  That would be one less script
> in the system, a smaller/cleaner Ubuntu, can't be bad a thing...

I don't think that it would be worthwhile to spend resources developing a
parallel solution, when we already have popularity-contest (on whose
maintenance we cooperate with Debian).

update-notifier only retrieves information about available packages; it does
not send information about which packages are installed on the system.

 - mdz

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