Install problems on PowerPC

Will Pitchforth dechetes at
Thu Sep 30 23:26:44 UTC 2004

Hi there

I have a Mac PowerPC G4 (PCI Graphics)  400Mhz that i
use to play around with linux. I have installed YDL
successfull but when i saw Unbuntu I thought that
looked cooler. So i downloaded the .iso (i think its
the 20040915 build) and burned it no worries. Booted
fine. The only problem in the first step of the
install was that it didnt see my network. This is odd
as mac os x and ydl both had no problems detecting
DCHP and autoconfiguring on the same computer. Never
mind, i thought i could fix that later. I just erased
the whole (10 gig) disk and let it auto partition
itself. Apparently the 1st stage went fine and it
ejected the disc and i tok it out and clicked reboot.
Upon restarting i got yaboot, into linux, then i got
the following messsage:

(Penguin - oh its so cool Maybe a warthog conversing
with the penguin would be cool?)

audit initialized
hda MDMA cycletime: 120, accesstime: 75, rectime: 45
hda set MDMA time for modee 2 reg 0x00211526
Starting Ubuntu...
pivot_root: No such file or directory
/sbin/init: 424 cannot open dev/console: No such file
Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init!

I know from being a mac user that a kernel panic is a
bad thing!
What is going on! I hope i dont have to re download
the iso - i only get 3 gigs a month on my broadband.
If so then oh well.

Any ideas! I just let the install use all the


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