Installing Ubuntu - 3c59x-prblem

Peter Simpson peter at
Wed Sep 29 21:00:35 UTC 2004

I forgot to add that I've just run Gnoppix 0.8.1b5 and that works fine and it 
uses the 2.6.7 kernel....

On Wednesday 29 Sep 2004 21:48, Peter Simpson wrote:
> Your network card woes appear to be similar to mine which is in Bugzilla
> but which I can no longer find.... :-(
> Anyway, I now know that the problem may be a problem with the 2.6.8 kernel.
> In my bug report I stated that I was able to run Sarge with no problems at
> all: What I meant was that The business card d-i installed fine, but at
> reboot the same problem appeared in Debian as I reported in Bugzilla for
> Ubuntu.
> (My bug report mentions 3c556b and 3c59x and timeout, but the search
> doesn't return it!)
> I do not know how to submit this upstream (i.e. to Debian) because I cannot
> use bugreport (no removable media and no functioning network - oh dear).
> Can anyone help, please?
> Peter

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