What did I just update?

Nathan Palmer npalmer at thinktheweb.com
Wed Sep 29 18:12:43 UTC 2004

Ever since I installed Ubuntu I have been running the Smart Upgrade 
through Synaptic once per day to keep my system up to date.  Most days 
it seems like there are a lot of packages that it downloads and 
installs.  Yet, 90% of the time once it's complete I can see no visual 
different in the system.  There are ofcourse some exceptions to this.

My question/comment is this.  Would it be feasible to be able to have a 
brief description or list of changes for each package that is upgraded?  
Of course I can see that if this information isn't already someone 
readily available it would require every maintainer for every package to 
put those comments somewhere.

I just always ask myself whenever I finish my update.  "What did I just 

Nathan Palmer

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