Documentation Project - comments wanted

sparkes sparkes at
Wed Sep 29 10:00:21 UTC 2004

Karsten Fischer wrote:

> I seriously think that the quality of user-specific documentation is a 
> key feature for the success of any Operating System./
> /

One or two flaws with the plan though.  As you suggest the timetable is 
a little optimistic but you also vastly underestimate the amount of 
manpower required.  Although the core team of co-ordinators can be kept 
small you will require many, many times their number just to get the 
english version out of the door and a large number of people (or a small 
team who are *very* dedicated for each language)

I would have thought documentation is planned for the next release and 
Cannonical will release staff to co-ordinate/write some extra docs once 
they have the first release out of the door.



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