Will GNOME Menu changes go into main stream GNOME?

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at canonical.com
Mon Sep 27 13:07:20 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-09-27 at 12:37 +0100, Mark Cooke wrote:
> The one thing that I liked (and moaned about, to myself, due to me being 
> used to the default GNOME layout until I got used to them) is the new 
> Menu/System layout, it does make things more intuative.
> Seen there are some GNOME developers involved in Ubuntu, will these 
> changes go into main stream GNOME?

Perhaps, but probably only after some modification. It's likely that
we'll shift to a three-menu layout for HoaryHedgehog, which would be
more acceptable upstream, too.

- Jeff

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