upgrading from preview of Warty to release

Frank Merenda fmerenda at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 26 17:02:27 UTC 2004

Hello all,

I am using the Warty preview release on my testing laptop, and everything seems
to be going well. It's a really great distribution, and I'd like to thank you
all for a great job!

My question is, if I keep Warty preview up to date with apt, will it eventually
be equal to the final release in october, or would I be better off doing a clean
release in October? I was wondering if things like the Open Office
no-spell-check bug and new functionality being added to Warty will be
auto-magically enabled via apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade?

I looked in the mailing list archives for this, and could not locate an answer.
I have not used a Debian-based distribution for my main distribution before, so
I apoligize in advance if this seems like a silly question. :)

Thanks in advance,
-Frank Merenda

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