[Translated] Re: Del por que me doy de baja de la lista..

César Espino cespinoq at gmail.com
Sun Sep 26 01:14:04 UTC 2004

Es una lástima que te alejes de la lista por ser principalmente en
ingles, yo al igual que tu vivo en México y me gustaría ver una lista
de ubuntu es español, ¿porqué no proponerla?.

Saludos y nos seguiremos viendo.

How the spanish user of ubuntu can create a mailing list in our lenguaje?

On Sat, 25 Sep 2004 18:15:24 -0400, Brett Kirksey
<ubuntu-users at valx.mailshell.com> wrote:
> In case, like me, you were curious what he was saying (and you don't speak Spanish), here's the Google translation:
>     Greetings and goodbye.
>     I believe that at least with me it does not fulfill the
>     objective to occur a guide to solve my problem. Quiza my
>     equipment is obsolete and nobody knows like forming mouse
>     serial with wheel.
>     In any case, I thank for to who has leido my petition of aid
>     and them desire the best thing.  On the other hand Slackware
>     gives much me of which I request, quiza also this is razÛn,
>     of my exit, because I see a little m·s support to I publish
>     in general in Libranet that is commercial although it has a
>     free version of distribution.
>     Ubuntu pleased me for my writing-desk, I believe that it
>     goes by good way as I mention.  I animate ahead and øPor
>     that in Spanish?  I like my language, although handling a
>     70% of English;  and until it does not have a list in
>     Spanish will move away to me.
>     Greetings and again them desire the best thing, distro do
>     very well.
>     Eliud - a stranger m·s:-D Oaxaca, Mexico.
> --
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users

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