Skype (was Locale problem)

Jim Cheetham jim at
Thu Sep 23 22:10:16 UTC 2004

Fábio Mendes wrote:

> <>I made a deb from the tgz statically compiled version of skype. We have
> to contact skype before distribute this package, but it seems to be
> working fine. The statically linked package is very big, but it avoids
> downloading the QT libraries required for skype. 

Indeed - I've just d/l the "dynamic binary ... requires Qt3.2" package, 
and run it (with the arts wrapper to provide /dev/dsp access - "$ 
artsdsp ./skype".

Works a treat :-)

BTW, Ubuntu is the first linux distro I've ever had where audio has 
worked out of the box :-)


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