Skype (was Re: Locale problem)

John dingo at
Thu Sep 23 21:57:36 UTC 2004

Fábio Mendes wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-09-23 at 10:30 -0700, George Farris wrote:
>>On Thu, 2004-09-23 at 08:47, Andrew Sobala wrote:
>>>On Thu, 2004-09-23 at 10:40 -0500, Santiago Erquicia wrote:
>>>>I don't know neither how to make packages nor if someone has one already
>>>>made.  Do you think it is a program that can be put in universe?  Isn't
>>>>any problem with the requirements tey have for redistribution?
>>>FWIW, Skype is not free software.
>>It also uses a closed protocol from what I've heard.  Maybe should be
> It surely should not go into Supported, but it will be nice to have it
> avaiable for people who wants it to talk with other users that already
> uses skype
> Fabio

Perhaps a script to do this would suffice?
a. Acquaint them with The Facts
b. Download the tarball from the Skype website, unpack it in /usr/skype 
  or /opt/skype and update PATH in /etc/profile.d/skype,{sh,chs}

Oh, are we using /etc/profile.d?  This is the sort of thing it's 
intended for, but the Debianista seel reluctant to adopt the idea.

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