language en but qwertz keyboard

Raphaƫl Berbain raphael.berbain at
Thu Sep 23 20:20:25 UTC 2004

Torsten Curdt <tcurdt at> writes:

> With the usual debian installer I can select language
> en but still can set the "qwertz" keyboard. This step
> is skipped by the ubuntu installer. (what about adding
> this as optional step?)
> Can I adjust this at install time? (bootoption?) Or should
> I choose language en and reconfigure the base system afterwards?

I installed an English system with an azerty French keyboard, all
during install.  Here is the procedure I followed (from memory, so
might be quite inacurrate).

I first selected 'English' at the 'Choose language' install screen.
Then, I think I chose 'United States' (maybe 'other' -> France, I
don't really remember) in the 'Choose country or region' screen.  At
the hostname prompt, I chose 'Go Back' which dropped me in the
installer menu where I was able to select the keyboard layout.  I then
finished the installation as usual.  I chose the Paris timezone.

One minor inconsistency :  Even though I selected a French keyboard
layout, when configuring X the default keyboard layout prompt was
'en'.  It would be cool if this default could match the console

I agree that Sarge's installer allowed me to do that without jumping
through hoops.  But then, what percentage of users want to perform an
install with a keyboard layout not matching the locale ?  For the vast
majority, the keyboard layout, locale, installer language and timezone
are strongly correlated.  That's one less prompt, it make sense to try
to minimize the amount of questions asked during install.

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