Ubuntu Drive Visible to OS X?
Johan Kohler
kohlerj at webmail.co.za
Thu Sep 23 18:46:11 UTC 2004
On Wed, 22 Sep 2004 14:55:08 +0200, Brett wrote:
> Thank you very much for taking the time to explain this in the simplest
> terms! As I have said on other threads, if Ubuntu is going to be the OS
> thatfinally gets Linux on the average desktop, many people in the Linux
> community will need to change their assumptions about the level of
> knowledge the >
> average Linux user posseses.
Not to be funny (or off-topic...), but I think that the level of knowledge
that an average Linux user possess is better than you might suspect. Of
course, by average user I mean someone who is not seeing linux for the
very first time, and has gone through the teething stages ("averaged over
time") . The learning curve may be a bit steep, but hang in there...
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