Language bindings in Ubuntu [Was: Gnome bindings]

Fábio Mendes niels_bohr at
Thu Sep 23 16:04:52 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-09-23 at 23:41 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-09-23 at 11:22 +0100, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
> > Yes, I'd support this. Jeff maybe it's a candidate for a bounty?
> Our current policy on bindings is this:
>       * We're committed to insanely great Python support throughout
>         Ubuntu, and will ship a bunch of useful Python modules and
>         bindings in the default Desktop install to enable that.
>       * We'll support modules and bindings for other languages when they
>         are required by cool applications that we don't want to pass up.
>       * We will provide lots of help to interested maintainers who want
>         to support their favourite language modules, bindings and apps
>         that use them in universe.
> So, I think that's a pretty good set of goals... But if there's any
> reason to change this policy, we'll have to leave that for Hoary. ;-)

It's always good to know that Ubuntu will have a great commitment to
python! What about including some python applications in the


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