Ubuntu Drive Visible to OS X?

Fábio Mendes niels_bohr at uol.com.br
Wed Sep 22 16:14:59 UTC 2004

Probably they're the real folders as I think OS X abstracts the real
file strucuture of the system. If they don't have read + execution 
permissions for your user you won't be able to see them. Either open the
shares as root or modify your fstab line to:

/dev/hda1     /media/osx  auto   rw,auto,user,umask=000  0  0

This is not the most secure option, but it'll probably work. And please
double check it's safe to write to a mac partition from linux, I think
the support is still experimental, but you better check with someone who
is more knowledgeable about those issues... If you'd prefer you mount
read-only, change rw to ro.


On Wed, 2004-09-22 at 12:02 -0400, Brett Kirksey wrote:
> On Wednesday 22 September 2004 at 15:16+0100, Peter Simpson wrote:
> > You must not change any of the lines that are already there, but add a line to 
> > the end of the file that looks like this:
> > 
> > /dev/hda1     /media/osx  auto   rw,auto  0  0
> > 
> > . . . 
> >
> > The "/media/osx" is a directory that you will have to create by issuing the 
> > command:
> > 
> > sudo mkdir /media/osx
> OK, I edited the fstab (needed to use 'hda9') and got it to recognize on startup. But when I go to /media/osx, it isn't showing me all of the contents of the drive. It's only showing 3 or 4 files (document icons with the gnome foot on them) that say "DesktopDB", "Finder", "System", etc. I know these are Mac files, but I don't know where the other contents of the disk are.
> Any idea?
> Thanks
> Brett

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