Install Report

Colin Watson cjwatson at
Tue Sep 21 11:39:59 UTC 2004

On Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 10:06:48AM +0100, Ross Burton wrote:
> Last week I reinstalled by work desktop which had been running the pre-
> preview of Warty with the official Preview ISO.
> d-i went perfectly as expected.


> However, when apt did the first (huge) install run, this appeared on the
> console:
>     fine /proc/acpi/battery: file not found
> It looked like a preinst script as it happened before the unpacking.

That's laptop-detect,,
fixed in current builds.

> Similarly, pcmcia was installed and started on my desktop.  I believe I
> heard yesterday that pcmcia is only being installed if required by d-i
> in the future, am I correct?

Right, although we haven't quite implemented that yet.

> It would be cool if d-i detected what processor I was running and
> installed the relevant kernel.  I presume this is down to disk space on
> the CD-ROM.

Exactly that. The processor detection will work on netboot installs.

We may be able to add just the 686 kernel to the CD in Hoary. For the
moment, base-installer isn't quite intelligent enough to deal with that
gracefully (it'll fall back from k7 to 386, not to 686); I have an
experimental branch in the Debian d-i repository which should be able to
deal with that kind of situation.


Colin Watson                                    [cjwatson at]

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