Ubuntu installation CD not booting

Paul Sladen ubuntu at paul.sladen.org
Sat Sep 18 23:19:20 UTC 2004

On Sat, 18 Sep 2004, John wrote:
> vexborg at blueyonder.co.uk wrote:
> > So, I would be very glad for any suggestions. Until then, I'm stuck in
> > Fedora hell 
> Have you tried booting the CD you have on another computer?

If you already have a GNU/Linux on the machine, could you check that you can
read the CD correctly and ensure that the md5sum checksum of the CD is
correct, with:

  # md5sum /dev/cdrom

and compare it to the particular cdimage snapshot you downloaded:


(You should be able find which day, but checking the size of the ISO if you
still have it downloaded).

Is there no safe way to travel?  Nottingham, GB

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