Fwd: testing ubuntu for the first time

Santiago Erquicia santiago_erquicia at yahoo.com.ar
Sun Sep 19 23:41:54 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-09-20 at 01:32 +0200, Guillem Cantallops Ramis wrote:
> Forwarded from sounder as suggested by Jeff Waugh :-)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Guillem Cantallops Ramis <guillematgmail.com>
> Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004 01:19:31 +0200
> Subject: testing ubuntu for the first time
> To: sounder at lists.ubuntu.com


> - I tried to configure the network (eth1, integrated AirPort, WEP
> enabled, automatic DHCP used for installation, wanted to switch to
> static IP) from the graphical interface (Computer -> System
> Configuration -> Network) and the window hung. I'm sorry, I don't have
> any suggestions for this, since I have automatically confirmed my
> aversion to GUIs, killed the window O:-) switched to a console, typed
> vim /etc/network/interfaces, etc. But it would be really nice to get
> it working... it must be a small nonsense bug somewhere. If you can't
> reproduce it, I can give it another try.

I have experienced a lot of problems with this too.  I don't know if I
can generate again but many times it just hang up.

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