modconf ...?? whereis modconf

massimo max at
Sun Sep 19 00:48:55 UTC 2004

Il giorno sab, 18-09-2004 alle 16:22 -0700, Matt Zimmerman ha scritto:

> It is available in universe, but it should not be necessary. 


i cannot found it in universe... :(

max at debianppc ~ $ cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb warty main restricted universe
deb warty-security main restricted
max at debianppc ~ $ sudo apt-get install modconf
Lettura della lista dei pacchetti in corso... Fatto
Generazione dell'albero delle dipendenze in corso... Fatto
E: Impossibile trovare modconf
max at debianppc ~ $

(impossible to found modconf for non-italian users)

>  If the right
> modules are not being loaded automatically by default, let us know, because
> that is our goal.

well, all the modules are correctly loaded at the boot with standard
kernel, but i'm trying to compile another one optimized for my tibook.

but...why not add in the universe a couple of kernel-images optimized
for laptop G3 and G4?

for example a kernel for ibook/tibook G4 with the support
of /proc/cpufreq and without the unnecessary modules (scsi for example)

another problem that i think important:

recompile a kernel with make-kpkg in dabian way
install it with dpkg -i
reboot and choose "Old" as kernel image.

paff!! kernel panik!  

the problem is that /etc/yaboot.conf there is a line in "old" room like


but in /boot there is a link


so during the boot the kernel cannof found the correct image and crash.
I hope that someone can fix it quickly


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