First impressions

José Santos ze.santos at
Sat Sep 18 10:51:38 UTC 2004


I've just installed Ubuntu, and I must say i'm impressed! After using
Debian Sid for a while, the polish and speed of this distribution
makes me want to stick with it. I was able to get the nvidia driver
working without problem, by following the indications from this
mailing list.

However, there are some questions I would like to make:

1- My other partitions were not mounted automatically (nor ext3,
reiserfs, nor NTFS), so I had to edit /etc/fstab. It is a bug, or it
is supposed to be like this?

2- I connect my usb camera (HP photosmart 620), but it does not import
the photos automatically. However, i can import them without problems
if I open gThumb.

3- I normally use Lyx to write my articles and reports. I've tried to
install it from Ubuntu repositories, but it seems lyx-qt and
lyx-xforms are missing.

Keep up the good work!

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