error activating XKB configuration

Fábio Macêdo Mendes niels_bohr at
Sat Sep 18 02:41:20 UTC 2004

Matt Zimmerman wrote:

>On Fri, Sep 17, 2004 at 07:09:37AM -0700, Csaba Simon wrote:
>>Tried many layouts and its seems than only with the "Hungarian" layout is
>>some problem.
>Thanks for reporting this.  Please file a bug in
>so that it can be tracked and fixed.
I have some problems with brazillian layout too, but unfortunately they 
don't seem to be reproductible. The keyboard map seems to randomly 
change to US_EN, or to a brazillian layout with some keys missing or 
even a brazillian layout with some common letters changed to special 
characters (r is a ®... this is the most annoying behaviour!).  For me I 
would disable gnome cofiguration completely and goes with what is in 
Xfree (which doesn't change), but some people like multiple keyboard 
layouts and this should not happen anyway.


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