Installation report

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Fri Sep 17 20:51:29 UTC 2004

On Fri, Sep 17, 2004 at 03:42:17PM -0400, rsokoloski1 at wrote:

> 4. I'd like to turn off the "press esc to get the menu" thing in GRUB, if
> possible. This laptop dual boots XP (for now, anyway) and I'd like the
> menu to be presented at each startup. I'd also like to be able to set the
> default boot os - the menu.lst isn't exactly clear on how to do that.

You set the default by changing the value on the "default" line:

default         0

0 means the first entry in the list, 1 means the second entry in the list,
etc.  You can also use "default saved" to boot whichever one you booted

If you want to show the menu every time, comment out the 'hiddenmenu'
option by placing a '#' in front of it.

 - mdz

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