First impressions with Ubuntu

nicola nicola at
Fri Sep 17 18:16:40 UTC 2004

Santiago Erquicia ha scritto:

> I stop that process of checking my fat32 partition and then when you
> press CTRL-D you can continue booting.  I'm using this since I installed
> the distro and I'm writing from it right now.

done !
thank you very much.
Everything went OH, SO WELL i'm still amazed at.
The fat32 file system check is given by the 2 at the "pass" coloumn for the 
fat32 row, i've put it to 0 (so that I now have 0   0 like any other distro 
I've installed before) AND changed the "defaults" option to a more explicit

auto,user,umask=0,iso8859-15,codepage=850	0	0

hope it will go ok at the next reboot.
See ya soon & thanks to everyone :-D

                    Nicola  -  KOOLINUS  -  Losito
icq:62837984  msn:koolinuz at  jabber-ID:koolinus at

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