First impressions with Ubuntu

Santiago Erquicia santiago_erquicia at
Fri Sep 17 16:18:52 UTC 2004

On Fri, 2004-09-17 at 18:06 +0200, nicola wrote:
> Santiago Erquicia ha scritto:
> > On Fri, 2004-09-17 at 17:34 +0200, nicola wrote:
> >>Everything seemed to be ok, but after the first reboot the system had an
> >>"hang up" with the check of the fat32 partiton.
> > I have the same problem but I never let it finish checking my partition.
> > It was working perfectly under Fedora so I know there is nothing wrong
> > with it.  I just stop the checking by pressing CTRL-C and then CTRL-D.
> but doing so didi you stop the process ad get the log in or nothing happened ?

I stop that process of checking my fat32 partition and then when you
press CTRL-D you can continue booting.  I'm using this since I installed
the distro and I'm writing from it right now.

> -- 
> ==========================================================================
>                     Nicola  -  KOOLINUS  -  Losito
> icq:62837984  msn:koolinuz at  jabber-ID:koolinus at
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