First Impressions i386 and amd64

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Fri Sep 17 06:47:51 UTC 2004

On Fri, Sep 17, 2004 at 08:44:06AM +0200, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:

> * Matt Zimmerman 
> | > amd64 - unable to install. The CD won't recognize my SATA hard drive. 
> | > The motherboard is NForce3 250 based.
> | 
> | I have done many successful installs on an NForce3-based system, but it does
> | not have SATA.  What OS is currently installed on it?  Can you provide lspci
> | -v output?  Do you know which drivers, if any, in the Linux kernel
> | correspond to your hardware?
> The NForce3 SATA support was moved to libata in just 2.6.8, so our
> hardware database might not have the correct information for it; could
> you try loading the sata_nv driver manually (Alt-F2 to switch to a
> different console, then type modprobe sata_nv)?
> (As I don't have any NForce3 hardware myself, I'm not able to try :| )

(this is now in Bugzilla as

 - mdz

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