Name resolution with Sinus-111 wireless DSL router

Thomas Hühn huehn-ml at
Fri Oct 29 18:29:28 UTC 2004

Doubletwist wrote:

> It may not be even remotely related but I had a vaguely similar problem 
> once with a linksys print server. Any time I would try to connect to the 
> printer from my debian box, the print server would stop working until it 
> was restarted. Everyone elses system worked fine with it [Windows, Suse, 
> Slackware, Gentoo].

I was wondering where Ubuntu behaves differently from Debian in some 
way. I don't have a clue what might be going on.

> So you might want to look into areas like that for possible causes. 
> [Even though I'm sure the installer isn't running iptables].

Sure, I'll see whether I have other ideas. But as it stands now, I don't 
know where to look for strange things. And maybe I'll just give up and 
try some other distribution that "works for me"...


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