dual monitor

Maximilian Gerlach m at px0.de
Fri Oct 29 16:45:33 UTC 2004

Here is an example configuration for a dualmonitor setup (without


Am Freitag, den 29.10.2004, 09:17 -0700 schrieb Keith Irwin:
> On Fri, 2004-10-29 at 15:29 +0200, Davide Pesenti wrote:
> > how can i configure a dual monitor video device?
> > is there a graphical manager (like that one in kde)?
> I don't think there's any graphical support for this.  Fedora
> distributions also have a tool for this written in Python/GTK, but
> they're using the x.org version of X.
> So, what I'm going to do is look up "xinerama" on Google and see if I
> can configure it by hand like I had to do a two or three years ago. ;)
> Keith

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