Update: "Change Slapsh Screen" pygtk script for Ubuntu!!!

netdur durnet at menara.ma
Fri Oct 29 09:23:53 UTC 2004

On Fri, 2004-10-29 at 10:52 +0200, Zebic Adi wrote:
> Hmm, nice! can I ask you where did you find your Gnome theme, and 
> specially this one? And what's the name of thing that show you the 
> mesuarements on the right hand side of your screen (cpu load, ram, clock 
> and all that? )

I look for themes at http://art.gnome.org http://gnome-look.org and
http://www.themedepot.org but I got that theme from

the things on right side called gdesklets, you can install it via
apt-get (gdesklets and gdesklets-data I guess) to run it, open cli and
write "gdesklets $path_to_object" you can find object
at /usr/share/gdesklets/Displays look at folders, you will see things
with ext .display

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