Error compiling Links browser

Gabriel Menini arlequin8 at
Thu Oct 28 15:50:54 UTC 2004

Hello, there!

I've downloaded the Links source code version 2.1pre15

The configure process ran flawlessly, but when invoking make I get the 
following error:

gcc  -g -O2  -o links  af_unix.o auth.o beos.o bfu.o bookmarks.o 
builtin.o cache.o charsets.o connect.o context.o co okies.o default.o 
dip.o directfb.o dither.o dns.o drivers.o error.o file.o finger.o 
font_include.o framebuffer.o ftp .o gif.o html.o html_gr.o html_r.o 
html_tbl.o http.o https.o img.o imgcache.o ipret.o javascr.o 
javascript.o jpeg.o jsint.o kbd.o language.o links_icon.o listedit.o 
lru.o mailto.o main.o md5.o md5hl.o menu.o memory.o ns.o objreq.o o 
s_dep.o pmshell.o png.o pomocny.o sched.o select.o session.o smb.o 
svgalib.o terminal.o tiff.o types.o url.o view.o view_gr.o win32.o x.o 
xbm.o  -ltiff -ljpeg -lpng -lz -ldl -lm  -lfl -lssl -lcrypto -ldl 
-lvga -L/usr/lib -ldirectf b -lpthread -ldl -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11

session.o(.text+0x4b9a): In the function `get_temp_name':
/usr/src/tarballs/links-2.1pre15/session.c:692: warning: the use of 
`tempnam' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp'

I tried commenting the line which has the tempnam in the file session.c 
and changing it to mkstemp, then launching make again.

But the error araises again and the output is:

gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.   -I/usr/include/directfb -D_REENTRANT 
-I/usr/X11R6/include  -g -O2 -c session.c
session.c: En la función `get_temp_name':
session.c:695: error: too many arguments to function `mkstemp'
session.c:695: aviso: initialization creates a pointer from an integer 
without a conversion
make: *** [session.o] Error 1

So... How can I make Links avoiding the 1st warning?

Thanks in advance,

Arlequín                     _o)
arleq en       / \\     _(___V
Linux Registered User   #207262

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