Fwd: Auckland and booting with two Linux Distros

Christoph Georgi christoph.georgi at web.de
Thu Oct 28 01:19:26 UTC 2004


how do I find out what numbers to use behind the hd? I've got one hda 
with 4 partitions:
hda1 - windows
hda2 - ubuntu
hda3 - debian
hda4 - swap

Does Grub mount root depending on the OS I want to load? It seemed to me 
that in Lilo it first mounted the root and then looked for the kernel 
image relative to the root dir, which makes it impossible to boot two 
different kernels?!


Bob Nielsen wrote:

>On Thu, Oct 28, 2004 at 11:53:06AM +1300, Christoph Georgi wrote:
>>if been following this mailing list now for a while and do get very 
>>desperate on installing Ubuntu on my Notebook. However, I have limited 
>>internet access and can hardly download the image (and the CDs will not 
>>arrive for weeks..). Is there anyone using Ubuntu living in Auckland who 
>>could by any chance make me a copy of the image?! I'd really appreciate it..
>>Secondly, I fear that with installing Ubuntu (and its Bootmanager) I'll 
>>loose access to my Debian installation.. Windows shouldn't be a problem; 
>>always worked out. I've already been searching for an howto on that 
>>issue, but couldn't really get my hands onto one. Maybe someone here 
>>knows how to boot multiple Linux Distros plus Windows?!
>I have been running Debian (actually Libranet upgraded with a bunch of
>stuff from Debian testing and unstable, etc.)  I recently installed
>warty and edited /boot/grub/menu.lst so I could choose that, as well.
>Here's the essential part of what I have in /boot/grub/menu.lst (Debian,
>Ubuntu, BeOS and Win 98SE).  It works for me (YMMV).
>Bob Nielsen
>default		0
>timeout		10
>title		Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.8-1-k7 
>root		(hd0,6)
>kernel		/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.8-1-k7 root=/dev/hda7 ro hdc=scsi vga=5 
>initrd		/boot/initrd.img-2.6.8-1-k7
>title		Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.8-1-k7 (single user mode)
>root		(hd0,6)
>kernel		/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.8-1-k7 root=/dev/hda7 ro hdc=scsi vga=5 single
>initrd		/boot/initrd.img-2.6.8-1-k7
>title		Ubuntu Linux on /dev/hdb1
>root		(hd1,0)
>kernel		/boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hdb1 ro vga=5
>initrd		/boot/initrd.img-
>title		Windows 98SE on /dev/hda1
>rootnoverify	(hd0,0)
>chainloader +1
>title		BeOS on /dev/hdb2
>rootnoverify	(hd1,1)
>chainloader +1
>title  Memory Test
>root   (hd0,6)
>kernel /boot/memtest86.bin

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