2.6 kernel iptables exploit

Rob Weir rweir at ertius.org
Mon Oct 25 22:46:48 UTC 2004

On Mon, Oct 25, 2004 at 08:12:25AM -0700, Darren Critchley said
> Taken from another list:
> ------- Included Stuff Follows -------
> Linux kernel flaw found
> Can lead to denial of service
> By Nick Farrell: Monday 25 October 2004, 07:05
>  USERS OF Linux running a 2.6 series kernel and using
>  iptables for firewalling have been advised to upgrade to
>  fix a bug which could be exploited remotely to cause a
>  denial of service.
>  The bug, discovered by Richard Hart, does not affect the
>  2.4 series kernel or the later version. It is caused by
>  an integer underflow problem in the iptables firewall
>  logging rules. This means that a hacker could remotely
>  crash the machine by using a specially designed IP
>  packet.
>  Ironically, they can only do this if a firewall is
>  enabled in the kernel.
>  A spokesSuSE said a workaround was to disable firewall
>  logging of IP and TCP options. It is better practice to
>  upgrade your kernel to the latest version.
> --------- Included Stuff Ends ---------

Already fixed!


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