Boot Error

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Mon Oct 25 21:51:58 UTC 2004

On Mon, Oct 25, 2004 at 10:43:28PM +0100, dfear wrote:

> I also tried adding some kernel boot options that might help to
> (temporary) fix the problem. The options i tried were:
> booting with the 'noapic' option
> booting with the 'pci=noacpi' option
> booting with the 'acpi=off' option
> I currently boot ubuntu with the following extra boot options: noapic
> pci=noacpi

So it works for you when you use those options, and no longer hangs?  Or you
still have a problem?

> After trying the previous, i decided that since hotplug was causing so
> many problems that i would try and install a different version of
> hotplug. I aliened a manadrake cooker rpm and installed it, which caused
> a number of problems; so i removed it and reinstalled the ubuntu
> version.

Eek!  I hope it cleaned up after itself.  Packages for system tools like
hotplug tend to be very distribution-specific.

 - mdz

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