PCMCIA-cs upgrade problems

kaput ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Mon Oct 25 15:39:19 UTC 2004

I'm having problems after upgrading pcmcia-cs from 3.2.5-7ubuntu6 to
3.2.5-7ubuntu7. Everytime I install the newer package, my wireless card
(an Orinoco Gold) refuses to connect with my AP.

I'm running WEP with my key in /etc/pcmcia/wireless.opts. Doing this
works *perfectly* with the former pcmcia-cs release. However, if I use
the updated package, the card will not connect, no matter what I do,
whether attempting to restart the init script, rebooting, or attempting
to set the key manually with iwconfig. The system will beep in
recognition that something has changed, but it will not connect.

I had to reinstall the prior package and reboot again to get the card
working in order to post this and forgot to paste the contents of dmesg
and such into a text file. If anyone requires more information, I can
try to go through the process again.


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