Apt-get versus aptitude versus synaptic

Michel Clasquin clasqm at mweb.co.za
Sun Oct 24 22:12:20 UTC 2004

On 24/10/04 21:49, Seth Williamson wrote:
> In Ubuntu, is it a bad idea to use more than one of these programs to
> update and upgrade and install?  I first started using apt-get, then I
> went to aptitude.  Then and only then did I have a vague memory of
> somebody on the Libranet list saying it was a bad idea to use more than
> one of these--supposedly you were supposed to pick one and stick with
> it.

Nahh, I've been mixing synaptic and CLI apt-get for a long time with no 
problems (on another distro, obviously). But what can get tricky is mixing 
apt-get with commercial distros' "front-ends" like Click-n-run or Xandros 
Networks, which keep their own records of what has  been downloaded and 

BTW, to really move up into the apt-get power user ranks <vbg> take a look at 
apt-move and localepurge.

Michel Clasquin  clasqm at mweb.co.za / clasqm at unisa.ac.za

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