modem port on laptop

dave dave at
Sat Oct 23 23:30:39 UTC 2004

On Sun, 2004-10-24 at 01:19 +0200, Christian Casimir wrote:
> Right... thank you all for your answers... Too bad for me... Let me ask 
> a last (stupid, I think) question :
> Would using a Windows emulator (Wine/Crossover) and installing the 
> Windows driver for the 3Com MiniPCI 56k Winmodem under the emulator be a 
> way out ? Or is it just not possible ? My aim is to get rid of Windows 
> on my laptop and use Ubuntu exclusively. But I can't do without this 
> modem (everywhere I go I cannot find an ethernet connection).
> Christian C.


I have exactly the same problem as you (a 3C556B modem on a Thinkpad
T21). I searched for ages looking for drivers, and I eventually
purchased a small second-hand external (serial connect) modem from eBay
for ten pounds. Because it's an external modem, it works with _any_
machine which has a serial port - success!!

Hope this helps,


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