Creating more desktops

June Tate june at
Sat Oct 23 19:44:21 UTC 2004

On Sat, 2004-10-23 at 17:53 +0200, Patrick wrote:
> How would one create more virtual desktops in gnome ? I've checked and
> the only place that you can add more is under the preferances section
> of the workspace switcher. Although when i increase the number they
> dont seem to be created ? ??
> config file possibly ?

Actually, the way I did it was to click on Applications -> System Tools
-> Configuration Editor. Then in the GConf window that appears, I
navigated the tree in the left pane to /apps/metacity/general. Finally,
I double-clicked on num_workspaces in the right-hand pane and changed
the number from 4 to 6. The changes were immediately made, so I closed
GConf at that point. Voila. =op

June Tate * june at *

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