Sony PREMIERPRO SDM-P234/B Monitor Driver for Ubuntu?

madmartian madmartian at
Wed Oct 20 22:57:44 UTC 2004

I've got a nice, new Sony SDM-P234/B monitor. Go here for more info on it:

Is there a linux driver available for this? 

Right now the maximum resolution I can get using the nvidia video
driver is 1600 x 1200. With the default non-nivida driver I can get
1920 x 1440 but the P234's native resolution is actually 1920 x 1200.

There is a Windows driver available at:

Can this be used somehow with Ubuntu? I'd really like to be able to
use my P234 at 1900 x 1200 with the nvidia driver installed (see my
other note, I want to be able to play UT 2004 in Ubuntu).

Thanks if you have any info on how to do this.

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