What do you like best about Ubuntu?

Benjamin Roe ben_ubuntu at benroe.com
Wed Oct 20 21:56:41 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-10-20 at 17:39 -0400, Chris wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-10-20 at 13:58 -0700, George Farris wrote:
> > The windows boot time is actually not correct. Even though Windows
> > "looks" like it has booted it is still unusable for some seconds after,
> > due to the continued boot in the background.
> Not true.  In 17 seconds my system is usable and just a couple seconds
> later I was already using Visual Studio.  The GUI was usable as soon as
> it came up.

I'd agree that this is a problem, but it's not impossible to fix. The
distro I used before Ubuntu, Arch Linux, booted in about half the time
Ubuntu takes.
Windows XP is very quick booting. For laptops it would be nice to have a
quicker boot, although the addition of suspend-to-disk in Hoary should
make it much less of an issue.


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