How do I copy Audio CDs

Ben Edwards (lists) lists at
Wed Oct 20 19:57:49 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-10-20 at 21:27 +0200, Renato Biolcati Rinaldi wrote:
> Il giorno mer, 20-10-2004 alle 19:31 +0100, Ben Edwards (lists) ha
> scritto:
> > On Wed, 2004-10-20 at 19:47 +0200, Renato Biolcati Rinaldi wrote:
> > If I download the 2.6.7 image in Synaptic will grub come up with the
> > option or do I need to do something else?
> No you neednt doing anything else, it will be automatically added to
> Grub.
> > 
> > BTW what is the key I need to press to get the grub menu, and when do I
> > need to press it?
> Yoe need to press ESC as soon as you read GRUB on your monitor when you
> boot. You may want to add a few seconds more before default kernel
> starts, to do so edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change the seconds in the
> TIMEOUT part. If you dont want the menu hidden comment line
> "hiddenmenu".

Do I need to run grub or something after changing this?

> Bye
> Renato
Ben Edwards - Poole, UK, England
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