Outcome of community meeting on 18 October

Karsten Fischer kfischer at bfki.net
Wed Oct 20 11:41:27 UTC 2004

Am Mittwoch, den 20.10.2004, 12:05 +0100 schrieb Mark Shuttleworth:

> In the pantheon of ideas about which it could be asked "which dumbnut 
> dreamed this up?" the idea of strong human imagery in Ubuntu would 
> appear to feature prominently, and the dumbnut in question would be me. 
> I'll have to shoulder any blame for the original idea and it's 
> execution, so please direct any such feedback at me rather than other 
> Ubuntu developers, and thanks to all of you who helped to straighten me out.
> Cheers,
> Mark

I don't think you should consider yourself 'blamed'. But then, I was one
the strict Pro-Fraction in this matter, so maybe my judgement might
be...ah, questionable.

I really would like to see a more Human-Centric approach to computers in
general - and Linux in particular. Replacing abstract pictures, themes,
whatever, with friendlier, perhaps more emotional ones is not a big step
in that direction but at last it IS one.

Considering the response of the community here, I still want to
encourage you - and, in fact, everyone - to keep it up and offer more
artwork regularly. Of course, to avoid something here - strictly as an
'additional package'.

Right after the meeting on Monday I had a bright idea: Why not creating
a Ubuntu short-film (I just 'happen' to be a director - and sometimes
writer - thats why my brain constantly produces strange ideas, sorry)?
The story could be created here, within the community. Maybe some kind
of brainstorming, whatever. Once we have a story at hand we would have
to workout the rest of the production details. 

Just a thought....

Karsten Fischer <kfischer at bfki.net>
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